本研究以 428 名大学生为对象,采用问卷调查法进行实证研究,旨在探讨网络人际信任、网络社会支持、网络自我表露三者之间的关系。所得结论如下:
Abstract:The agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution and the information revolutionare three great waves along with the process of human development. The product ofinformation revolution is the Internet which is closely related to our life. Unconsciously,the Internet has not only changed our life, but also changed ourselves. However, the valueof Internet is more and more about society, instead of information. Due to the anonymityand disinhibition, higher level of online self-disclosure appears in computer-mediatedcommunication, which contributes to social adaptation and less anxiety. Individuals couldgain online social support because of the reciprocity of interpersonal communication,which provides a sense of identity and belonging, thus enhances subjective well-being.
Online interpersonal trust is also indispensable, which is in fact a kind of conceptualexpectation and a positive anticipation of others' behavior. Individuals obtain online socialsupport from mutual cooperation, thus contributing to online interpersonal trust betweeneach other. The higher level of online interpersonal trust individuals obtain, the lessprotection of personal privacy will be. Therefore, online self-disclosure is more frequent incomputer-mediated communication. Contemporary college students who are highlyeducated grow up with the process of rapid development of digital technology and takedelight in new things. Therefore, they are chosen to be the experimental participants tomake sure that the study is of more significance. This study discussed the relationshipamong online self-disclosure, online interpersonal trust and online social support, in orderto enrich the theoretical framework and provide support for individual psychologicaldevelopment and social stability.
The present study investigated 428 college students by the questionnaire surveymethod, aiming to explore the relationship among online interpersonal trust, online socialsupport and online self-disclosure. The results are as follows:
(1)Online interpersonal trust of college students is significantly different in major and there are no differences in gender and grade. Students majoring in science have higheroverall level of online interpersonal trust than those majoring in art. In the dimension ofgeneral trust, emotional trust and reliability, higher online social support was observed inthe students majoring in science than those majoring in art.
(2)Online social support of college students is significantly different in major andgrade, and there are no differences in gender. Students majoring in art have higher overalllevel of online social support than those majoring in science. In the dimension ofinformation support, affection support and peer support, students majoring in art have ahigher level of online social support than those majoring in science. In the dimension ofinstrumental support, no difference was found in major. Differences in grade wereobserved in the dimension of information support and affection support. Post-hoccomparisons showed that online social support of senior was higher than sophomore in thedimension of information support and that of freshman was higher than the other threegrades in the dimension of affection support. In the overall level of online social support,freshman had higher level than sophomore and senior had higher level than junior.
(3)Online self-disclosure is significantly different in gender, and there are nodifferences in major and grade. Male have higher overall level of online self-disclosurethan female. In the dimension of private attitude, emotional state and online gamesdisclosure, male have higher level of online self-disclosure than female. In the dimensionof online shopping disclosure, female have higher level of online self-disclosure than male.
In the dimension of personal information and interest disclosure, no differences wereobserved in gender.
Positive correlation was obeserved among online self-disclosure, online interpersonaltrust and online social support. Through statistical tests, the conclusion is as follows:Online interpersonal trust is a mediator between online social support and onlineself-disclosure.
Keywords:Online interpersonal trust, Online social support, Online self-disclosure, Collegestudents.
目 录
引 言
第 1 章 研究综述
1.1 自我表露的研究概况
1.1.1 自我表露的概念
1.1.2 自我表露的功能
1.1.3 自我表露的理论
1.2 网络自我表露的研究概况
1.2.1 网络自我表露的概念
1.2.2 网络自我表露的类型
1.2.3 网络自我表露的功能
1.2.4 网络自我表露的理论
1.2.5 网络自我表露的相关研究
1.3 人际信任的研究概况
1.3.1 人际信任的概念
1.3.2 人际信任的理论
1.4 网络人际信任的研究概况
1.4.1 网络人际信任的概念
1.4.2 网络人际信任的结构
1.4.3 网络人际信任的特点
1.4.4 网络人际信任的相关研究
1.5 社会支持的研究概况
1.5.1 社会支持的概念
1.5.2 社会支持的研究取向
1.6 网络社会支持的研究概况
1.6.1 网络社会支持的概念
1.6.2 网络社会支持的特点
1.6.3 网络社会支持的相关研究
第 2 章 研究设计
2.1 问题提出
2.1.1 以往研究的不足
2.1.2 研究目的
2.2 研究意义
2.2.1 理论意义
2.2.2 实践意义
2.3 研究假设
2.4 研究方法
2.4.1 研究被试
2.4.2 研究工具
2.4.3 施测程序
2.4.4 数据处理
第 3 章 研究结果
3.1 各量表信度分析及各维度间相关分析
3.2 大学生网络人际信任的特征
3.2.1 大学生网络人际信任的总体状况
3.2.2 大学生网络人际信任的性别和学科差异
3.2.3 大学生网络人际信任的年级差异
3.3 大学生网络社会支持的特征
3.3.1 大学生网络社会支持的总体状况
3.3.2 大学生网络社会支持的性别和学科差异
3.3.3 大学生网络社会支持的年级差异
3.4 大学生网络自我表露的特征
3.4.1 大学生网络自我表露的总体状况
3.4.2 大学生网络自我表露的性别和学科差异
3.4.3 大学生网络自我表露的年级差异
3.5 网络社会支持、网络自我表露、网络人际信任的相关
3.6 网络人际信任在网络社会支持与网络自我表露之间的中介作用
第 4 章 分析与讨论
4.1 大学生网络人际信任的特点
4.1.1 大学生网络人际信任的总体状况
4.1.2 大学生网络人际信任在人口学变量上的差异
4.2 大学生网络社会支持的特点
4.2.1 大学生网络社会支持的总体状况
4.2.2 大学生网络社会支持在人口学变量上的差异
4.3 大学生网络自我表露的特点
4.3.1 大学生网络自我表露的总体状况
4.3.2 大学生网络自我表露在人口学变量上的差异
4.4 大学生网络社会支持、网络自我表露与网络人际信任的关系
4.5 网络人际信任在网络社会支持和网络自我表露之间的中介作用
第 5 章 总结
5.1 研究结论
5.2 研究创新
5.3 研究局限
5.4 研究展望
注 释